
Mumbai To Soon Get A Cost-Free Animal Crematorium

The crematorium will be situated in Dahisar and built by the BMC with CSR funds worth INR 25 lakh.

Mumbai To Soon Get A Cost-Free Animal Crematorium

Mumbai is slated to get its first animal crematorium in August, wherein for no cost, cadavers of pets could be cremated, reported the Free Press Journal. According to the account, presently, the cremation cost begins at INR 2,500 in accordance with the size of the animal. 

Based on the narratives, the crematorium will be situated in Dahisar and built by the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) with CSR funds worth INR 25 lakh offered by Old Wise Oak Media.

The narrative suggests that while the facility's construction will commence next week, it will make use of an electric incinerator.

On the other hand, the civic body has made online registration for pets mandatory in the city. A BMC directive reportedly states that it can seize pets if its owners do not have the needed license.

It is believed that this decision by the BMC is driven by its attempt to curtail diseases caused by pets. Similarly, claims were made that during the COVID-19 pandemic, several owners abandoned their pets.  

Owners can get their pet registered online by visiting the BMC portal and selecting the "For Citizens" tab. Later they need to click on the "Apply" heading and choose "License-Dog". After selecting the option that best suits one's demand, applicants must choose  "Apply Here" to proceed further. 

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