
Education Department announces changes in Admission Process for Class XI

The Education Department has said that there will be no offline admission this year

Education Department announces changes in Admission Process for Class XI

After the state board examination for Class X ended, the students are preparing to enter junior college. For this, there are several questions in the mind of the students and their parents regarding the entrance process this year. In this regard, Mumbai Live spoke to the Departmental Education Office.

This year, there have been various changes in the online entry process and there will a special round for the admission in fields like Computer Science, Engineering, Electronics, Banking, and Office Management. After this, the online admission for other branches like Commerce, Science, Arts and Vocational Courses.

For every student class X student, it is mandatory to have an online access book and in this entry booklet, each student’s unique login id and password is given with some additional information. This year, the list of colleges will not be published in the booklet but on the website. The booklet will be 40 pages and will cost around ₹250. 

For the students to register their complaints and inquire about the admission procedure online, 39 guidance centres have been started.

The students will have to log in with their id and password - here - to access the admission form and the students will have an option to choose the desired branch and college. However, students have the option to change their preference and branch. Offline admissions will not be a thing this year.

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