In connection with the death of Sushant Singh Rajput's former manager Disha Salian, BJP MLA Nitesh Rane is to be questioned by the police on July 12. Malvani police station has sent a notice to Nitesh Rane in this regard. Nitesh Rane claimed that big people, leaders and ministers were behind the death of Disha Salian. MLA Nitesh Rane claimed that Disha Salian was murdered. The police will now investigate what evidence they have for the claim made by Rane.
On June 8, 2020, Disha Salian committed suicide by jumping from the 14th floor of her apartment. Disha Salian was the manager of actor Sushant Singh Rajput. Soon after Disha's death, Sushant also died under suspicious circumstances. According to the CBI, Disha had organised her birthday party on the night of June 8. In which she had drunk a lot.
Before Disha Salian's death, a video of her was going viral on social media. In the video, there was no tension on Disha's face. Disha's family had demanded an investigation into the matter. However, the police decided it as a case of suicide and closed the case.