On Wednesday, February 21, Mumbai's overall air quality reached satisfactory levels with an air quality index (AQI) of 60. This is the second consecutive day of satisfactory AQI, after a reading of 76 on Tuesday, February 20, marking a significant improvement over the previous days in the moderate category.
In the last week, the AQI had reached 191 on Friday, February 16, 174 on Saturday, February 17, 146 on Sunday, February 18, and 111 on Monday, February 19.
India Meteorological Department (IMD) attributed the positive air quality to the early onset of the Westerly winds.
The air quality level was good or satisfactory at all stations on Wednesday.
Meanwhile, Head of the System of Air Quality and Weather Forecasting and Research (SAFAR) said: "It all depends on meteorology. There are more winds, which helps with ventilation. We hope that satisfactory winds will continue during these days."
The temperature in Santacruz reached a minimum of 20.8 degrees Celsius and a maximum of 30 degrees Celsius. The minimum temperature in Colaba was 21.4 degrees Celsius and the maximum temperature was 29.8 degrees Celsius.