
Students of Mithibai College stage protest once again; this time regarding attendance

Principal Dr. Rajpal Hande stated that their attendance rules are transparent. They communicate the attendance information to students right from the beginning through website, SMSes and meetings.

Students of Mithibai College stage protest once again; this time regarding attendance

On Saturday, March 7, several students from Mumbai's Mithibai College staged a protest against the authorities because they were debarred from appearing for their exam as they had less than 60 per cent attendance. The students will be considered as failed as they weren't allowed to appear for the exams. They stated that management is not keen on listening to any of their pleas. 

On the other hand, principal Dr. Rajpal Hande mentioned that their attendance rules are transparent as the college communicates this information from the beginning of the college semesters, through the website, SMSs and meetings. 

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In February 2020, students had protested against the authorities with regards to the grading system, credits, paper patterns and the biometrics for entry-exit. The protest was called off after the principal Hande intervened.

On the condition of anonymity, a student from Mithibai college spoke to Mumbai Live and said, 

"We are not against anyone, we are not against the management but we are against the new grading system. We are in a single integrated 3-year course and they cannot change the grading system in the middle of our course. It's against the law and it is violating our rights as well. Last semester we were not informed that the grading system has been changed. We only realised it when we saw the results and then discussed it with the administration. The Student Council members gave a letter and also conducted a poll. The management authorities said that they will consider our request. Now that the upcoming semester exams are just 20 days away and still there hasn't been any concrete decision from their end, we decided to protest now because we want to pressurise the authorities to get back the previous grading system." 

She further said, "The problem with this is that previously students with 80-90 per cent got 'O' grade which has now been revised to students with more than 90 per cent will get 'O' grade. The students of Final Year are having an issue with this as the rules have changed suddenly and it will affect them for their Post Graduation especially the ones who will take their admission to overseas colleges. Another problem with regards to bio-metrics is that there are fixed gates for entry and exit which are very far away from each other. Owing to the fact the college campus is very huge, it causes a great inconvenience to students to enter or exit from the allotted gates only. The protest was called off only when police and the principal intervened. 

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