Despite the coronavirus outbreak and several restrictions, Mumbaikars have been celebrating Ganesh Chaturthi this year. As directed by the government, the celebrations for Ganeshotsav 2020 are simple and low-key. While some associations and mandals have cancelled the celebrations, some continued the tradition by celebrating the festival with a four-feet idol.
With an aim to avoid crowding amidst the pandemic, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) had earlier asked the residents and associations to immerse the idols in artificial ponds. The decision was taken to avoid crowding at the sea and in public places, thereby controlling the risk of COVID-19 spread. Officials had arranged artificial ponds and tanks across several wards in the city.
However, in a recent attempt, the department has planned an innovative way to perform visarjan. Residents of Dadar, Mahim and Dharavi can now use the ‘mobile artificial pond’ facility, where, one needs to make a phone call, and a mobile pond will be made available near the building or premises. One can use the helpline number 02222397888 and make a request for the same.
So far, more than 300 artificial ponds have been constructed across several wards and areas in Mumbai.
Apart from this, Mumbai Police Circle-II, Amhi Girgaonkar and the Division-C of the Municipal Corporation have jointly provided an artificial pond facility at Thakurdwar Signal in Girgaum for immersion of earthen Ganesha idols.
The last day of Ganeshotav will be celebrated on September 1, following which the state government is planning to allow some relaxations from the coronavirus lockdown. As per reports, Mumbai local trains may resume post the visarjan day.