
Matheran to get its first hospital

The nearest hospital to Matheran is at Neral which is 20 km downhill

Matheran to get its first hospital

What's the story?

Matheran, the most popular getaway amongst Mumbaikars, has everything per se. It is scenic, beautiful and laces with all possible facilities. The only thing Matheran does not have is a hospital.

There have been many cases of tourists meeting with accidents and so, health minister Deepak Sawant decided to come up with a hospital in Matheran. He has asked his officers to prepare a proposal for the same in eight days.

Currently, the only hospital nearby Matheran in Neral which is 20 km downhill.

Fortnightly medical camps  

On Monday, Sawant chaired a meeting with the chairman of Matheran Municipal Council, his deputy, the chief officer and the health department principal secretary Pradeep Vyas. During a meeting, they decided that they will hold medical camps every fortnight where a pediatrician, gynecologist, and an orthopedic surgeon will pay a visit.

Common number to call the ambulance

Along with a fortnightly visit by doctors, Sawant and others decided to keep one common number to call ambulances as Matheran being a hilly terrain, it is difficult to get cell network and access to 108.

Two beds in the ICU

The minister has directed his officers to create an ICU with two beds in the hospital as many tourists in Matheran meet with some kind of injury during their visit. 

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