On Saturday, a fan fell in a room of five-storeyed Ramdoot building at Currey Road which led to the untimely death of a five-year-old. After which, the Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority (MHADA) took a serious note and decided to analyse the buildings it had constructed. Accordingly, the housing authority will repair the five-storey building and then inspect all the other buildings.
Ramdoot Building was constructed by MHADA in 1977 by the Mumbai Building Repair And Reconstruction Board. The building falls under the 'reconstructed' category.
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For almost 40 years, the residents of the building have been complaining about construction issues such as water leakage but the authorities have only taken temporary measures to resolve these and never really looked at solving the problem.
Looking at the current condition of Ramdoot Building, the housing authority has decided to undertake the redevelopment project. Recently, the state government had also made amends in its policy and now it will be keeping a tab on the buildings that have been redeveloped. Therefore, it is expected that emphasis will be laid on the redevelopment of old dangerous buildings.