On Friday, March 25, Maharashtra Chief Minister, Uddhav Thackeray broke his silence over the state minister Nawab Malik controversy. While speaking in the state assembly, Thackeray questioned what the central agencies were doing for the past many years if Malik had a connection with Dawood Ibrahim, stated reports.
The CM remarked that the matter is now with the court. He went on to comment that the Leader of Opposition, Devendra Fadnavis should be recruited by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) because he provided all the documents to the ED, since he said so somewhere, highlighted narratives.
If Nawab Malik had a connection with Dawood Ibrahim for yrs, what were central agencies doing for so many yrs? The matter is in court. I think LoP Fadnavis must be recruited by ED as he gave all the documents to ED,as he said somewhere: Maharashtra CM Uddhav Thackeray in Assembly pic.twitter.com/DCJDeBbEjQ
— ANI (@ANI) March 25, 2022
Thackeray then asked where Dawood is and asked if anyone knew about his whereabouts. He was quoted by accounts elucidating on how the BJP fought the previous elections on the name of Ram Mandir and are now asking for votes in the name of Dawood.
The Shiv Sena leader juxtaposed the current situation to that of the USA by sarcastically inquiring if Obama had asked for votes in the name of Laden. He then went to interrogate the opposition by quizzing them if they have the guts to kill Dawood, would they, cited reports.
Since news of Malik’s arrest by the ED broke, the opposition has been making constant demands for his resignation. Thackeray vocalised that while the BJP has been asking for Malik’s resignation, why did they support Mehbooba Mufti who sympathized with Afzal Guru and Burhan Wani.
Also Read: Maharashtra: Amid ED Action, Thackeray Vows To Put Up Strong Fight